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Highlights of the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone from 9 picture

发布时间:   来源: 云上岭南

    The Plan for Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Opening up of the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone is coming! Qianhai Cooperation Zone will further expand its development space from 14.92 square kilometers to 120.56 square kilometers, and Shenzhen’s golden coastline will be linked together. How is this going to work? How is it going to be positioned? Let’s see the highlights of the program!


上一篇:Qianhai: the “Cradle” for Hong Kong and Macao youth to pursue their dreams in the mainland
下一篇:China issues plan for further developing Shenzhen-Hong Kong cooperation zone

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